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Compaq Deskpro Lucent 56k Win Modem Driver 5.87b

Compaq Deskpro Lucent 56k Win Modem Driver 5.87b

Compaq Deskpro Lucent 56k Win Modem Driver Publisher's Description

This softpaq contains the driver for the Lucent 56K Win Modem used in the Workstation 300 and the Deskpro EX and Deskpro EXS models. The Lucent Win Modem provides a PCI interface, and supports: K56Flex and/or ITU-T V.90 56kbits/sec for highest internet connection rates 14400bps send and receive fax modem with automatic fallback to 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400bps 33600bps data modem with automatic fallback ITU-T recommended V.42 error correction V.42 error correction (LAPM and MNP) V.42bis and MNP Class 5 data compression V.42bis data compression

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